Sunday, May 31, 2009

Update from Piers

Having planned a night walk last week, and found that I was surprisingly psyched up/nervous/whatever-causes-butterflies about it, we had to call it off due to unforeseen circumstances. However, now I think I've got my torch working properly and invested a full £3.99 in my own headtorch (instead of my son's) - I think I'm ready to hit a night walk for real. Did I mention that in packing everything I'd forgotten my map?!!

Instead, Cliff and I walked in the bright, Saturday morning sunshine, marching from Tunbridge Wells to somewhere in Hildenborough. The total distance had not been worked out, but we knew we had 4 hours to walk in, so we simply set out for just under 2hrs and then returned. The result was 15.3miles with a total of 10mins break (averaging just over 4mph over the entire walk), and my lower right leg suddenly became quite painful!

Lessons learned: take a scheduled stop earlier; remember that your body is fallible; seek physio advice.

I have now had a session with the physio and done a 4 mile (?) cycle ride. I have another appointment with the physio on Monday, followed by an 8 mile walk with Cliff that evening. Let's see how it all goes.

Fundraising Update

Two local Nepalese Restaurants, the Co-op and a local photography shop have kindly agreed to sponsor us with help producing an alternative Treasure Map (restricted to our school, Cliff's church and a group I help with). This has come out very well and we look forward to seeing many squares sponsored (£2 each) on our way to raising the team's minimum goal of £2000.

We also have some t-shirts planned, thanks to a local small business. Photos to follow...

Monday, May 18, 2009

Gmap pedometer rocks!

Gmap pedometer rocks simply because I have re-calculated my runs previously and have ascertained that what I assumed to be a 4m run has turned out to be 5.5m (click here to see it!) - that is really motivating!

So when I have reported a 12 miles week it has actually been a 16.5m week.

I am currently mapping a new, longer run (which I thought was going to be a 5m run but now needs to be a 6m run!) a bit daunted!

Off we go!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Training update from Jules

It feels good when you hit your goal.

Last week I ran 3 nights - 3.5m 3.5m and another 3m. On the Friday 3-miler (as my wife was at the Hillsong Colour Conference and can thoroughly recommend it) I pushed my son Samuel in an aluminium 3-wheeler - it was easier than I thought. Except I knew I was going to be in trouble as I lost one of his shoes along the way.

So I thought I'd retrace the steps having picked my 3rd daughter up from playschool on my bike now pulling Samuel in the 2-seater bike-buggy - the second space being taken up by said daughter.

A 3m bike ride later - no shoe. 'Twas only as my wife moved her car on her return I found the missing shoe under her still benefitted my training.

After a Saturday ride with the family into town and to Launton playground my legs were well worked. And my knees were very painful so I went to Up&Running in Headington, Oxford for the gait analysis. "Proper" running shoes make a huge difference.

This week just gone I have added the 10% gain ready for the training plan Phase 2 - Strength and Endurance, with a 3m 4m and another 4m run. Knees and legs in great shape too. Very pleased.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Training update from Piers

Friday morning was beautiful at 7am - Cliff and I went out for a 7.6 mile walk (see gmap's pedometer for handy route distance calculations - no I'm not on commission!).

We reckoned on 1 3/4 hours for a steady 4 mph walk, but with a little jog we managed to do it in just under time! Without knowing an exact speed, I've tended to go by the strain I can feel in my legs. However, obviously it was not noticing 4mph and had upped a little - so that's good!

We've arranged more walks now in order to focus and get the training in, so we'll keep you informed.

We have also got some sponsorship plans underway - watch this space! (or go to a Nepalese Restaurant in Tunbridge Wells)