Sunday, March 29, 2009

We've started team training on the Trail...

20k in 4 hours is not a bad start especially when we encountered some good climbs.

Together for the first time as a team we left a car at CP2 and journeyed to the Trail start. After a quick stretch and prayer we were off on the fairly gentle climb towards CP1.

Cliff set a stiff pace which was good as we were a little behind schedule to get back to the Prep session where we were to be joined by Piers' father who is playing an integral part in our support crew.

Along the way we met a band of four men. Cliff asked if they too were training for the Trailwalk. Actually, they explained they had walked from Canterbury on their way to Wales and then onto Scotland. Their mission is to encourage people that Britain has hope and make their living singing traditional music of the various locations they walk. The fourth member is a journalist covering them for the Telegraph. Their website is here.

When we made CP1 we were thankful that we had avoided any rain - the forecast was not good. A few sarnies and photos later we carried on.

The second stage has a pretty steep climb and various trekkers have worn steps into the side of the hill and we realised this was going to be a serious undertaking - looking at the newly arrived directions and route info from Oxfam this is not going to be the most severe either.

The ground was mainly flint which tested the feet especially as we descended to CP2 where we left the car. The descent was long and this made tired legs more tired.

Fromt he ridges of the South Downs Way we saw rain to the North and West of us - with a NWesterly wind. Thankfully we avoided it all and had a great walk!

Another great prep session and now the team are all briefed. Looking to the next team walk on the 18th April.

As for personal training - 3miles runs 4 times per week are not uncommon. Stevie and I shall be running once a week for encouragement and to hold each other to the training necessary.

This 20k - one fifth of the challenge - has brought everything closer to view.

Equation is simple:

Train more = enjoy the challenge more.

"The Leading Followers" from L-R:
Stevie (Mr Pea) Pereira - Team Genius and (Ex) Trainer of Oxford Uni's Mansfield College Ladies Rowing Club
Jules (Lofty-not!) Clarke - The one who got us all into this mess and Communications
Cliff (Our view of Trailwalker) Allen - Timekeeper/Paceman and Pastor extraordinaire
Piers (High altitude) Rosslyn-Smith - Navigator and Mr Detail.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

So why am I doing this again?

Oh yeah I remember ! Thank you so much to those who are following the training and sponsoring me.

For those who have not yet sponsored me - please click on the presentation to go through the pages. This is why I have chosen to give myself the biggest challenge of my life so far.